A Performance Improvement or Transformation Program will result in immediate gains in operational efficiency and resource optimisation with the potential to drive profound improvements to shareholder value and return on shareholder funds. Dinc Consultants can build a framework with the capability to deliver a sustainable competitive advantage for organisations and to achieve immediate improvements to:
By optimising the interfacing and the utilisation of People, Processes and Technology across the enterprise. This is achieved through:
Your employees represent a significant investment for your organisation. Capitalising on that investment requires a well considered approach. Continually growing the skills and capabilities of your employees can be achieved through formal courses, webinars, or specific workplace programs tailored to meet your needs. If you are considering a tailored management development program for your team,
Octopus Consulting Group can work with you to determine your needs, plan your strategy and develop your team’s full potential.
Every organisation is searching for a competitive advantage. A talented and engaged workforce is the heart of any organisation’s success. The cost to lose good employees can be staggering. The internal cost of turnover can be between one and two years’ salary package. Add this to the cost to re-employ or use interim employees, along with the loss of knowledge and cost of finding replacement resources and loss of employees emerges as a major organisational expenditure.
Retention strategies, as part of the overall workforce management program, can enable organisations to continue to run leaner, whilst keeping those employees they have identified as core to the business or whose talents can be redeployed. Retention is enhanced through targeted deployment of staff, their informed management, motivation and coaching, and through promotion of a smart culture characterised by mutual understanding.
Our partners at Octopus Consulting Group are well versed in developing employees to ensure optimum performance, productivity and profitability. They recognise that employees with direction and purpose will provide more effective outcomes and allow management to be results orientated. They are also more likely to stay employed with the company longer. Their customised solutions include individual or group sessions designed to fit your employees’ specific needs and meet your business objectives.
Should you be seeking assistance with remuneration and benefits for your employees, the below website is a useful resource. The Human Resources Magazine Website is Australia’s leading publication for the HR profession. It is the country’s largest and most authoritative source of news, analysis and insightful opinion from leading industry figures. It has has won HR professionals’ respect for its practical but hard-hitting independent editorial platform, and features regular articles on HR strategy, attraction & retention, technology, employment law, leadership and interviews with industry gurus. Their website contains directories, connecting you with a range of professionals and organisations operating in the HR space. The link below will take you straight to their remuneration and benefits area.
There are 7 Key Stages to Good Retrenchment Management
Stage 1 – Strategy
Developing a plan for: engaging managers; consulting with employees; communicating the change and implementing the change.
Stage 2 – Minimising Retrenchments
To explore options for minimising the damaging effects of retrenchment on the organisation.
Stage 3 – Selection
To carefully determine the criteria by which the various positions will be selected.
Stage 4 – Notification
Planning when, how and who will deliver the message to the organisation and assist with support.
Stage 5 – Selecting an Outplacement Provider
A big advantage in cushioning the blow and helping people make the transition.
Stage 6 – Stabilisation & Evaluation
Turning the attention to those indirectly affected on whom the future of the organisation depends.
Corporations who choose to provide outplacement services to employees are seen to value and respect the contribution made by individuals during the course of their employment. By treating former employees with dignity and providing tangible advice and assistance generates a powerful motivational message throughout the organisation. As a result, companies who provide outplacement are more likely to maintain or increase productivity and enhance their market perception as a fair employer therefore maintaining their ability to attract and retain quality staff. The cost of gaining these financial and psychological advantages averages less than 5% of the total costs of separation. If you are interested in assistance with retrenchment management or outplacement services, click on the link to have a
Dinc HR Consultant discuss your needs.
Mentoring requires a commitment by the organisation in terms of resources, time and staff. An organisation’s culture is defined by the strength and vision of its leadership. Through mentoring leaders can create and facilitate a core group of positive-minded, excellence-driven individuals within their sphere of control.
Mentoring can be introduced as a formal program or it can be accepted informally as part of the culture of an organisation. Before introducing a formal program the organisation needs to:
This includes identifying the values, work related traits and behaviours that need to be developed. Mentorship programs facilitate succession planning and develop people. Guidance must be open and honest and tempered with respect for others. Not everyone can be mentored and not anyone can be a mentor. Mentoring requires time. In a small business, time is critical. However, time invested in mentoring is repaid when the individual reaches a level of competency to assume more responsibility and allows the organisation to focus on other elements of its strategic development.
Conflict Resolution
Conflict resolution is a positive process whereby individuals resolve issues in an informal or formal atmosphere, or where issues are resolved as part of the ongoing interaction between individuals. Conflict is a normal part of doing business because organisational members have different and often opposing goals. However, these differing goals keep the organisation vital by stimulating creativity, promoting innovation, and bringing about change. Organisations totally devoid of conflict would become apathetic, stagnant, and unresponsive to change. Conflict should not, therefore, be simply judgmental and evaluated as “good” or “bad,” but instead should be evaluated from a broader perspective, which takes into consideration the individual and the organisation. Resolutions that reflect the mutual interests of the disputants, or interests-based methods, are likely to result in fewer formal grievances, improved morale, and more effective use of human resources.